What is 1231?
1231 is Terrace Lake’s own neighbor-based relational care ministry.
The name of the ministry comes from Mark 12:31: “And the second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” This ministry provides opportunity for this church body to come alongside “neighbors” and help point them to Jesus in a very practical and impactful way.
Who does it serve?
We feel that 1231 serves two populations:
It serves this church body by providing a way for you to love your neighbor as yourself in an intentional way.
It serves our neighbors (anyone other than yourself), who have specific needs.
Why are we doing it?
We are doing this because we want to follow the teachings, commands, and example of Jesus by serving the hurting, broken and lost in our church body and our community.
Our hope is to come alongside someone in their brokenness, mentor them in their relationship with Christ (whether that be non-existent, new, or growing), and help meet their physical/immediate needs through the network of our church body, all while creating deep and lasting relationships.
How does 1231 work?
1231 has categorized needs into 9 different life dimensions, with a variety of subcategories to each life dimension. For example "Work" is a life dimension with subcategories like "Career Counseling," "Resume Building," and "Financial Skills." Within each of these life dimensions there are coaches (individuals from our church body) who walk alongside a neighbor, utilizing our database of resources, to develop a plan around their specific area of need.
Some neighbors will opt to have a mentor. Mentors walk alongside the Neighbor on a weekly/regular basis to be a friend and helper. The mentor will help guide the Neighbor spiritually, as well as connect the Neighbor to their life dimension needs.
There is no set standard procedure for how a Neighbor is helped, each case is different.
How can you help a Neighbor use 1231?
If you meet someone who is in need of one/several of the resources 1231 has to offer, please reach out directly to the Terrace Lake Outreach team and we will connect you to a coach.
How can YOU get involved?
If you are interested in serving in one of the ministry roles (Mentor or Life Dimension Coach), please contact Leah Sandlin at leah.sandlin@terracelake.org.