TL Kids Promotions
Birth - Pre-K
After this February 5th promotion, we will promote based on individual birthdays. Parents, please notify the greeter at our greeter’s desk once your child has had a birthday and they will move your child to the next classroom at that time.
We know transition can be hard at this young age and both structure and consistency are important. Our hope is that children will benefit from joining their next room individually so their peers and leaders can help introduce them to the structure of their new classroom. Birthday promotions will also help your child receive more individualized attention during this time.
We will have Promotion Sunday only once a year in June. This year we will promote on June 18th.
We are excited about this new promotion plan. Thank you for entrusting us with your children on Sunday mornings. If you have any questions, please contact Brad Saunders brad.saunders@terracelake.org.