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Coronavirus Update

Updated on 1.18.2021 at 2:00pm

As elders, staff, and leaders, we have been praying for you.

We are currently having in-person worship services. We know worship might look and feel different; however, we pray for you to come expectant and excited to see how God moves in this time. We care for you and love you. This is certainly a time we seek wisdom and unity. We are here for you. We want to pray for you and with you.


We encourage you to read the updates below and share a prayer request with us. We long to all be together again and are trusting in the promises God has given us as children of God. 


“Rest in the fact that the Lord’s purposes will prevail, both in our

church and in your life.” - Pastor Danny

Quick Reference

What we are asking you to do

If you are feeling unwell then please stay home.


Please take your temperature prior to coming to church and do not come if you have a fever. 


We ask that you were a mask while you are in the building. According to CDC guidelines, children under 2 should not wear a mask.




General Information

As appropriate Doorkeepers will be wearing masks and gloves. Since Doorkeepers will be coming in closer contact with attendees (holding doors open, passing out elements, etc) we are taking each of their temperatures before they begin serving each week. 


Sanitizer stations will be set up around the church for congregational use. Please take a moment to find one when you walk in.


When able, doors will be propped open to avoid contact.


Doorkeepers will be available to aid in moving or retrieving chairs, holding doors open, finding sanitizer, etc.


The Lord’s Supper will be distributed in prepackaged containers as you come into the Sanctuary. It will be handed to you from a basket by a Doorkeeper with gloves. Inform them upon entering if you will be participating in the Lord’s Supper. 


Physical cash or checks can be deposited into the available "Giving" box by the Sanctuary doors upon leaving. 


Many items in the Foyer will be removed to limit the amount of surface contact. And we are suspending our coffee service.


Doors that are closed should remain closed to reduce the spaces being used. If you need to access the nursing mother's room, you are welcome to do so. If you have kids in the service that need space to be loud or move around there is space in the East room for you as well. We want you to feel as comfortable. 


Please take note of the signage that will be posted reminding you of social distance guidelines and max occupancy of rooms.




Worship Spaces

The Sanctuary is laid out in a way that promotes social distancing between families. The seats have been moved from 6' to now 5' to give more options for families to sit and space out more if they would like.


To help engage your children, we will provide small bags of activities that you will take home or throw away after service. Please find a Doorkeeper if you are in need of extra bags. 


To reduce contact surfaces, Bibles and Hey! I’m Here! books will be removed. If you or someone you know needs a Bible, the hospitality team will be happy to give you one to keep.


After service, we ask that you be mindful of the team that is working to sanitize our spaces to prepare for the next service, it may become necessary to continue fellowshipping outside of the church building.




Sanitizing the Building

The sanitization team will come on Saturday to do a big sanitization sweep before Sunday.


Before 1st service, the team will do a once over on door handles and light switches that have been used.


Between services, they will go over door handles, countertops, bathrooms, and spray the chairs int the Sanctuary.


Worship team and media teams will have access to wipes so they can sanitize their equipment as often as they need.


After 2nd service, when all occupants leave, the sanitization team will complete another big sanitization sweep of the building. 


We have been working hard to ensure that we have an ample supply of sanitizer and cleaning supplies to ensure you walk into a safe and clean environment.





TL Student Ministry









What we need from you
General Information
Worship Spaces

TL Students' small groups are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, the students are meeting for RISE, in the youth space upstiars.


All TL Student gatherings must be set up in a way to allow space between students. This includes chairs and other furniture spaced apart to allow for social distancing.


All games must be done in a way that will limit touching/ sharing surface.


All commonly touched surfaces are sanitized before and after every meeting. 


Food at events is served by someone wearing a mask and gloves.




TL Kids



Classes are open from Walkers to K/1 during the first service and Walkers to 6th grade during the second service. Currently the 3s and 4s classes are combined.


When children enter and leave their room, their hands are sanitized. 


Parents, Teachers, Helpers, Children 2 years through 6th grade are asked to wear a mask while they are in the building.


There is a one-way flow to help maintain social distancing and increase efficiency in dropping off and picking up children.


There will be no snacks during class time.


If you aren't comfortable with TL Kids just yet: 


We are providing activity bags for preschool children during our limited capacity services. These take-home bags will include paper, crayons, stickers, and other assorted items to help our younger children participate creatively during the service. For the elementary children, there are folders with age-appropriate sermon notes and activities. 


We will continue to email the lessons each week for all of TL Kids classes that they did on Sunday. That way you can follow the same curriculum from home throughout the week.


All classrooms are sanitized before the rooms are used again. 






Community Groups

TL Kids
Community Groups

Meeting Recommendations 


Encourage social distancing in meetings and fellowship afterwards. Suggestion: meet in a space large enough for people to be spread out (outdoors weather permitting, church). Meeting in homes may not be possible for social distancing depending on the size of your group.


  • Recommend that all adults wear masks during meetings, however, it's up to the discretion of each group.

  • Food is up to the discretion of each group. We recommend if you have food, to have someone serve the food while wearing gloves to limit the spread.

  • Can have one person on a zoom call on their phone for people not coming in person to C group. Suggest that the person rotates the phone to whomever is talking so they can see what is going on more clearly.



Childcare Recommendations


Classrooms will open for childcare.


Classrooms available: Walkers, 3's, and 2nd-4th grade (Walkers room doesn't have a DVD player).


If a group isn't comfortable with their children playing together, they could have women meet the first C group time and men meet on the second C group time that month so one parent can watch kids at home.


Consider using a video so kids can sit and watch something and not run around or touch each other as much.




Entering the church for C-Group meetings


In light of social distancing, please use the entrance closest to the room where your group meets:


  • Kitchen door for East Assembly Room

  • Main entrance for RISE room

  • Gathering room doors for Gathering room


Consider having a hospitality greeter from your group open the door so people don't have to touch the door or prop the door open



Cleaning after meetings


Wipe down door handles, tables, and other surfaces if used.


Spray chairs with Lysol.


Toys used in kid's classrooms need to be wiped down, as well as chairs/tables used.


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