The month of March is an opportunity for you to support the students going on trips over the summer. For any project around your house or service you could use, you can pledge whatever you would like to give toward the summer trips. Our students and their leaders will come and complete the project.
These trips make a kingdom impact so we wait with anticipation to see how God will work in these Students’ lives this Summer.
The purpose behind this style of fundraiser is students get to serve their church family together with their leaders (and you, if you want!). Serving in this way is more relational, and you get a chance to know the students that you are helping to go to these summer trips.
Decide the service project & how much $ you would like to pledge.
Click the button below to access your pledge form. The Student Ministry Team will follow up with you with all the details. After the service project has been completed, your pledged amount will be collected.
Reach out with any other questions to Tyler Rayburn our Student Ministries Director.
tyler.rayburn@terracelake.org, 812.344.6976

Student Life Camp
Since 1993, SLC strives to support student ministries with Gospel-centered experiences that transform students into devoted followers of Jesus Christ. This year our students and leaders will be attending the camp location at Cedarville University in Ohio. They worship, learn, and grow together with their peers and leaders.
Freedom International Ministries
Our church has 3 sent mission partners that serve students in a bilingual school near the town of Ramón Santana and the surrounding bateyes in the Dominican Republic. Our students serve in the classrooms and communities, tutoring english, putting on camps and Vacation Bible School, and work on construction projects.